Cozy Classic Christmas Wreaths for The Front Porch
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Today on the blog I am just tickled that I get to share my new cozy, classic Christmas wreaths for the front porch. These beautiful wreaths were custom made by Jen Abbott, the small shop owner of Blue Lotus Creations. She recently reached out, and I instantly fell in love with her work and I knew her designs would be perfect for the farmhouse. So we put our heads and ideas together, and this is what she came up with!!

The wreaths are just stunning and exactly what I wanted in a cozy and classic Christmas wreath! The cedar greenery and the pine cones fit perfectly for our little Carolina setting. The dried orange slices match the classic look I’ve been loving for this season. And the white florals and the wood tones of the grapevine wreath base… I mean, I couldn’t have thought of a more beautiful wreath for our home and my style!! But there’s so much more to them y’all. These aren’t just any old wreaths!! There is an amazing and heart warming story behind them…
If you’re new to our family’s story… we re-built my family’s farmhouse here in North Carolina. This farmhouse has been in our family ever since it was built in the 1800’s! To view the before photos [click here]. My goal was to try to honor the history of our home in all the design choices I’ve made along the way. It was also important to me to document as much as I am able and to share with my children as they grow up… I don’t take any of this for granted, and I know how rare of a gift this all is! It truly means the world to me to be able to share our home and our family’s story here on the blog!!
I’ve shared pretty often about my Granny. She was born in the old house, and went on to raise her family here too! And I’ve shared about her sister, my Great Aunt Faye, and how she watched the whole re-building process! But I haven’t shared much about their mother until now. Her name was Lucille.
I never met Grandma Lucille, as she passed away long before I was born. But she lived in the old house and raised her family here too, just like my granny and now me! She was married to Odell, my great grandfather. And his name is written in his own handwriting on the shiplap in the living room. The photo below shows my Aunt Faye placing her hand on her daddy’s name. I mean, if this doesn’t warm your heart… I don’t know what could!
So fast forward to a couple weeks ago… back when Jen reached out, about the wreaths! I started looking through her designs I noticed she names all of her designs! And I just thought that was the coolest thing!! I am so big on knowing the story behind things… whether that be the story of an old house or an antique piece of furniture… or in this case, a wreath! So I shared a little of the history of our farmhouse, and the names of some of my family members with Jen. And y’all… she named the wreaths she made for our farmhouse after my Great Grandmother Lucille! So of course I had to pull out an old photo of my Great Grandma Lucille feeding my Great Aunt Faye to photograph with the wreath!
I mean, as if the wreaths weren’t enough, the name just set it over the top for me! I called my Aunt Faye to tell her about it as soon as I found out, and she was just beside herself…
“The Lucille” is now available for purchase through Jenn’s Etsy shop, Blue Lotus Creations and you can click [this link] to purchase one for your home. You can also view more of the available designs in her shop by clicking [this link]. The nice thing about Jen’s shop is that as a small shop owner, she can create a custom look that fits your home and your style! And you’re supporting a small business!! AND… ok this is a big deal y’all! She is offering a huge sale this Friday, Black Friday, for 20% off her entire shop. No code required!! I’ll link a few of her designs below so you can see some of what she has to offer…
I hope you enjoyed reading the backstory and getting an up close view of our new cozy, classic Christmas wreaths on the front porch! They are the perfect Christmas wreaths for our farmhouse, but this classic design could work on so many homes!! And if you’re in the market for a new wreath, whether it be one like “The Lucille” or another one of Jen’s designs, now would be a great time to start looking because of the upcoming sale! I could not be happier with my wreaths! And working with Jen has been absolutely wonderful!! Thanks for stopping by the blog today, and as always, thank you so much for following along…