My Favorite Accounts to Follow for Decluttering Inspiration

Now that the holidays have passed, so many of us are putting our time and energy into getting our homes back under control again. I know that’s what I’ve been focusing on here at the farmhouse. After taking a look back on 2020, decluttering our home was actually one of my big goals for 2021! So I thought today would be the perfect day to share some of my favorite accounts to follow for decluttering inspo! These are some of the best accounts to follow for decluttering inspiration, organization tips, and advice for simplifying your home.
Allie Casazza
Allie is at the top of my list because she’s one of the first minimalist / simplicist / decluttering experts I came across. I am currently participating in her Declutter Like a Mother challenge for the second time, and it’s been really impactful for me! She has truly helped make decluttering guilt free for me and give super helpful advice! One of my favorite quotes by her is…
Everything in your house is taking up your minutes. You buy things twice – once with your dollars, once with your minutes. Is it worth it?
-Allie Casazza
I love this because it really helps put things into perspective when it comes to our homes and our belongings, and how we spend our minutes, our days, and ultimately our lives. I would love to spend less time cleaning / tidying up the clutter and more time on the things that matter to me! Click here to follow Allie on IG or here to visit her website by clicking here.
Sarah of Hello Clutter
I started following Sarah of Hello Clutter last year, and I love watching her stories on IG. She is always sharing super helpful tips and ideas that can be easily implemented to help keep the clutter at bay! One of my favorite things she shared in her stories was her “donation bin”. She keeps a bin in her home and fills it with items she no longer needs / uses and when it gets full she donates the contents. But the best part is that it’s actually a really cute basket, and blends into her space and decor seemlessly. I love the functionality, but my bin is usually a baby wipes box or an empty amazon box. Like looking at her photo I totally thought it was just her clothes hamper! Once I go through the house, I plan to keep a pretty basket like this in a designated space so that we can keep on top of the clutter in our home throughout the year.
To follow Sarah, you can find her on IG here or you can check out her website here.
The Home Edit
I actually discovered The Home Edit on social media this past year. I kept seeing posts about this new show on Netflix and all these rainbow colored photos. At first I was like, nah that’s too much color, not my taste, I’ll pass. I didn’t realize what it was all about. Well I finally decided to give their show on Netflix a try and I loved it! They make organization look so pretty, and honestly their IG feed is kindof like pinterest for organization lovers! They are the account to follow for some major decluttering inspiration!!
You can find The Home Edit on IG here or you can check out their website here.
Marie Kondo
I discovered Marie Kondo on Netflix of all places! Her show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo first premiered on New Years Day 2019. A favorite quote of hers is…
We should be choosing what we want to keep, not what we want to get rid of.
-Marie Kondo
This is a good mindset shift to have when decluttering, and lots of experts actually recommend removing everything from a space as the first step. I know for me, it’s much easier to look at my pile and decide what items to keep rather than what to get rid of.
To follow Marie, you can find her on IG here or you can visit her website by clicking here.
There’s just something about this time of year that makes me really aware of how much stuff we have accumulated! Between packing away the Christmas decor and trying to find homes for new toys and gifts, it’s hard for me to ignore the clutter any longer come January. Following the accounts in this post has been really helpful for me, especially in this season and I highly recommend checking them out! I’ve gotten so much helpful advice, lots of tips, encouragement, and plenty of decluttering inspiration from the people above, and I know you will too!
Happy decluttering! And as always, thanks for following along…