Our Home Was Featured In TraumWohnen Magazine!

Back in early 2022, I was asked to share Spring / Summer photos of our home for a feature in Landleben Magazine. Our home’s first print feature! Y’all… Apparently the editors liked the photos and the story so much that they decided to run it again in TraumWohnen Magazine! I didn’t even realize that could happen. But it did! So today I thought it would be fun to share a peek at our home’s feature in TraumWohnen Magazine!

NC farmhouse blogger Brittany Hutchison of White and Woodgrain featured in TraumWohnen Magazine

Our feature was printed in the April issue of TraumWohnen, but I didn’t find out about it until very recently. (TraumWohnen is a German publication. And I think since they already had the photos and the story and all the print releases, they ran the story again and just forgot to share it with me until recently. So it was a total surprise! And if I’m being honest, I think it’s a total God wink too!)

If you’ve been following along, you might remember me sharing that this past spring (particularly the month of April) was an especially hard season for my family behind the scenes. I talked a little bit about this on my IG stories. And I also wrote about it in this post about our home’s feature in Modern Farmhouse Style. But the short version is that it was a difficult season for our family and for me as a mom. I was questioning everything. Whether or not I was where I am supposed to be, what the future of White and Woodgrain looks like, and how I can continue to juggle all the things and still juggle them well.

And through all of that, through all the struggles our family faced this year, through all of the questioning and the doubts I was feeling… this major milestone kind of event, these “dream come true” magazine features keep happening. And it feels like it’s almost out of no where.

In 2022 our home was featured in print for the first time. In 2023, our home has been featured in 3 magazines, and there are 2 more in the works.

  • Landleben Magazine (April 2022 – Our first print feature.)
  • BHG’s Farmhouse Do It Yourself (March 2023 – Our first US print feature.)
  • TraumWohnen Magazine (April 2023 – The one this blog post is all about.)
  • Modern Farmhouse Style Magazine (June 2023 – The one where we made the cover!)
  • a possible fall feature (Fall 2023 – I was asked to submit fall photos to a different magazine, but I think that’s all I’m allowed to share at this point. Stay tuned…)
  • a Christmas feature (October 2023 – A photographer came and shot our farmhouse at Christmas last year. Last I heard this issue will be available in October!)

I haven’t pitched our story once. I’ve barely been showing up on Instagram the past few months. I know this is so not the norm! And I also know that it has nothing to do with me. I’m just a regular old North Carolina girl who loves farmhouse decor, and painting furniture, and puttering around the local antique shops when I get the chance. So why me?

The only thing that makes sense is God. Spring was a really difficult season for our family. And I’ve shared before that each of the magazine features this year have felt like God winks. They’ve felt like signs from Him encouraging me to keep going, to keep blogging and sharing our farmhouse and my projects and my love of all things HOME.

If both the fall and winter features come out as expected, that means that literally in every season this year, He’s been giving me some pretty big winks. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. It’s like He’s reminding me to keep going, to keep sharing, no matter what each season of life looks like. Because HOME matters, and what I’m doing and sharing here on the blog matters. God’s timing is pretty amazing when you sit back and look at the big picture of it all.

NC farmhouse blogger Brittany Hutchison of White and Woodgrain featured in TraumWohnen Magazine

Seeing our home in print will probably never feel real to me. I don’t feel like I deserve it, and I don’t ever share these kind of posts to brag. Though I am so dang proud of our home and our family’s story! I share this post with you to celebrate. I share because this feature in TraumWohnen is an exciting milestone for our little farmhouse and for White and Woodgrain.

NC farmhouse blogger Brittany Hutchison of White and Woodgrain featured in TraumWohnen Magazine

But at the same time, I want to share the good alongside the unseen struggles, and the hard seasons of life behind the scenes… in the hopes that this post will also be an encouragement to someone who needs a little God wink themselves. He’s there in every season if you look for Him. It might not always come in the form of a Magazine feature! Then again, it just might. But I can promise you this… there are signs, and there are God winks waiting for you to notice them.

If you enjoyed today’s post, and you want to be the first to hear about those upcoming Fall and Christmas features… I’d love to invite you to join my email community! Being a part of my email list is the best way to stay in touch and get all the behind the scenes spoilers before they make it to the blog and Instagram. It’s also a place where I share all my favorite decor tips and tricks, DIY’s and projects, and of course… my love of all things White & Woodgrain!

Thanks for stopping by the blog and celebrating with me today! Until next time y’all…

Love, Brittany
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