Something Old, Something New: Garden Antiques and Antique-Inspired Gardening Finds

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Anyone else obsessed with garden antiques? If you answered yes, then you’re in luck! Whether you’re an avid gardener with two green thumbs, or maybe you just love to decorate with antique gardening finds… you’re gonna love today’s post!

When I think about my Granny, I think of her in the garden. I can see her suckering tomatoes, picking cucumbers and beans, telling me for the 853rd time to get my feet off the row, all while cussing the bugs of course! Granny was always in her garden, and those memories of her gardening are so special to me now. Maybe that’s why the garden antiques always seem to catch my eyes when I’m out antiquing.

Garden Antiques & Antique-Inspired Gardening Finds

This post is full of my recent favorite garden antiques and antique-inspired gardening finds. Think of the things you’d find in your grandpa’s old garden shed. Galvanized watering cans, weathered and worn hand tools. I even found the most beautiful white enamel sink planters I’ve ever seen!!

garden antiques and antique inspired gardening finds including galvanized watering cans, hand tools, enamel sink planters, and flower trugs

Shopping online for vintage & antique finds can be fun and easy if you know where to look! Though sometimes you want the look of an antique item, but not the price tag. And oftentimes the new, antique-inspired finds can be just as beautiful as the original! I personally love to blend the old with the new in our farmhouse. See if you can tell the new from the old in the finds below…

Something Old, Something New

If you’re new here, welcome to White and Woodgrain! The “Something Old, Something New” series was inspired by my love for all things vintage and antique. The name “Something Old, Something New” is kind of like a play on the old wedding tradition “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”… Which just happens to be one of my favorite wedding traditions!

I love mixing new and old finds together in our farmhouse. So I launched this series as a fun way to share some of my favorite new and old finds with you here on the blog! Each post in this series features antique and vintage finds, alongside new antique-inspired finds. If you share my passion for the good old stuff, and you’ve never been to an antique shop you didn’t like… then this series was made for you!

I hope you enjoyed today’s post, and I hope it brought a little inspiration to your scroll today! For more of my favorite antique and antique-inspired finds, be sure to check out all the posts in the “Something Old, Something New” series right here at White and Woodgrain! Thanks for stopping by the blog, and as always, thanks so much for following along…

Love, Brittany
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