Spring Cleaning and a Major Blog Refresh

Hello from the other siiiiiidddeee… of a major blog and website refresh! What do you think of the new look here on whiteandwoodgrain.com? I have been working all February long behind the scenes to give the blog a fresh, new look and it’s finally done! (Well, almost done, but more on that in a minute…)

spring cleaning and refreshing our bed with new cotton linens from Red Land Cotton

Springtime here at the farmhouse usually means lots of cleaning, organizing, and refreshing the spaces in our home. This year I decided to give the blog a little extra love and attention, and in true Brittany fashion, a mini WordPress theme change turned into a major blog refresh. I overhauled the entire thing, and in the words of my Granny “it liked to kill me”. I spent so much time right here in this bed with my laptop and an ice cold Dr. Pepper!

Ford, our cocker spaniel, lounging on the new Red Land Cotton bedding

Technology is not my strong suit. But I know enough to manage, and I relied on Google for the rest. It took me a while but I made it work, and I’m so happy with how it all turned out so far! I still have a few things I want to add, like a resources page with links / sources / FAQ’s and more (this is going to be so helpful!) and also a few freebies for you that are in the works and will be coming soon.

I’ll be sure to share when those new sections and features are live on the blog. But I just couldn’t wait any longer to show you what I have been up to. Here are a few of the things you’ll want to check out!

The New Homepage – this page is chock full of features! Get inspiration and ideas by category (Home and Decor / DIY’s and Projects / Antiques / Behind the Scenes), by the current season, and now even by room.

fresh new look of homepage of white and woodgrain the blog

The Blog – this is where you’ll find the feed of all my recent posts. The homepage will show you the most recent posts, but the blog page will show you all my blog posts in chronological order. Scroll back a couple pages to see what you may have missed!

The New Instagram Page – this is the page you’ll see when you click the link in my bio over on IG, or any other social platforms. I’ve added links and helpful resources to make it easier and quicker to find what you’re looking for.

The New Newsletter! If you’re already a subscriber, you were the first to know about my spring blog refresh project, and you even got a little behind the scenes sneak peak before anyone else. If you’re not already on the list, drop your email below to sign up! I share all the good stuff with my email besties first!!

And last but not least, there are 3 new blog posts ready and waiting for ya… Finally! I know you can’t see me but I’m doing a happy dance right now because I am so happy to get back to sharing new blog posts here again.

Now that the blog is looking fresh and clean for spring, it’s time to focus on the farmhouse! I’ve been spending so much of my time and energy prettying up my online home. And as a result, things around our actual home have fallen by the wayside. ( Side note: Don’t be fooled by those pretty little shots at the beginning of this post. You’re seeing those spaces on a good day, but there are always real life messes behind every photo I post.) Maybe it’s weird, but after spending day after day at the computer, I am really looking forward to spring cleaning all the things! Anyone else started their spring cleaning yet?

I’m so glad you stopped by the blog and hung out with me today! It felt like old times!! And now that the blog updates are mostly done, I’m excited to get back into the swing of things. I look forward to sharing all the decor, the DIY’s, the antiques, and even a little life behind the scenes every now and then too! Until next time y’all…

Love, Brittany
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  1. Oh my gosh, I love the new website!!! It looks absolutely amazing Brittany, you did such a great job and this website is so much more you and your style! Congrats!!!

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